Titulus sepulchralis |
Lost |
Date: 532-535 |
Edition(s): ICVR I, 769; ILCV, 3487A=2492 adn. |
[--- tant]i viri quam subita venis [---]s quod sibi vita trahit [---]rat quibus est quoque mori vita perennis [---] quaeque promissa deo [--- m]ortem suam conspicit an[nis] [--- a]d terram redditur ista caro [---]te manet antistes iure Iohannis [---]ịṭ ṣp̣ạtiạ s(an)c(t)or̅(u)m ṃọṇịṭụ ------? |
Transcription different from ICVR. Elegiac distichs. 8. Reading by Diehl, ILCV ad loc. cit, who suggests also 'gratia' , instead of 'spatia' (maybe that's better). Diehl, ad loc. cit., identifies in 'antistes Iohannis' quoted in the text, two popes with this name in VI cent., that is Iohannis II (532-535) or Iohannis III (561-574). But we have to consider also Iohannis I (523-526) (Felle). |
Filippo Piazzolla, 28/02/2013 |
Last update by Antonio Enrico Felle on 18/03/2014 |