EDB3775 (TM278931)

Pertaining to Coem. Cyriacae ad s.Laurentium (via Tiburtina)
Titulus sepulchralis insculptus
Tabula marmorea 51 x 27 x 5. Letters 3,6
Last recorded in Roma, Musei Capitolini, aula cristiana I
Date: 490-524
Edition(s): ICVR V, 13827.Ab; ICVR VII, 19741; CIL VI, 30135b     Online: EDR121124
Other bibliography: ICVR V, 13827Aa; Ferrua 1978b, 55     Online: EDB3774; EDB42059
[--- scalpentes l]ittera m̲a̲r̲[mor ---]
[--- maest]o̲ comitamu̲[r honore ---]
[--- animus me]minisse hor̲[ret ---]
[--- inferia]s tibi forti̲[---]
[--- solumqu]e viro quo[d ---]
[--- virtute ferox fort]is(que?) facund[us ---]
[--- ve]ṛborumq̣[ue ---]
[--- se]x̣tusque m[---]
[---]dus ubi ve[---]
[---]m̲ae post om[---]
[---] te gloria [---]
[--- re]quire[---]

Transcription different from ICVR. Ferrua's edition shows only a drawing of the epigraph (after, it has been republished in Ferrua in ICVR, VII 19741; EDB 32173, because the slab was found in the area of the Verano). The text reprises partially (vv. 3-8) a 3rd cent. pagan elogium ICVR, V 13827Aa = CIL, VI 30135a; EDB 3774): here Ferrua's words: "exemplum antiquius paganum saec. V medio ad homine christiano esse sibi usurpatum (non restitutum, ut existimat Huelsen) nonnullis mutatis" (ICVR V 13827A, comm. ad loc. cit.). The supplements in vv. 3-8 proposed here are then based on ICVR, V 13827Aa (EDB 3774) Image by EDR: see http://www.edr-edr.it/edr_programmi/view_img.php?id_nr=121124 (Felle).
Carlo Carletti, 11/11/2003
Last update by Antonio Enrico Felle on 09/03/2022
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